Queen Helenes Cocoa Butter Creme is a product advertised as a blend of natural cocoa butter and pure lanolin in a non greasy moisturizing base. It helps protect skin from the sun, excellent for use on skin over-exposed to sun or wind. Recommended as a facial creme for daily or night time use, to cleanse and help restore and control essential moisture balance. Helps prevent dry skin wrinkles, lines, and "crows feet". Ideal for massaging both the face and the body. Helps relieve stretched skin during and after pregnancy. The lanolin may be a turn off to some. However so far, I have had no problem with it breaking me out and have used it on my face and body successfully. I have always been on the hunt for a good cocoa butter product and for 15 oz under 4 $, how could I say no? You may be taken back when you apply it after it specifically says it DOESN'T have a greasy base and you feel the oiliness of your skins surface after applying it. But don't be confused, what they were trying to get across is the product will NOT break you out. I have checked the ingredients list to be sure and the type of lanolin they put in the product should not affect break outs of the skin, however it feels very greasy, none the less, which may just be too much of a bother to some people. But I like it. It has a much similar texture to a massage creme. If your skin is suffering from extreme dryness, this is definitely a great moisturizer for you. I have not used it long enough to say truthfully if it will help in that area. But it has helped my cracked hands, moistening my elbows and neck, and pretty much anywhere else I was dry and cracked (face included) it fixed the problem. I also noticed that after using it on my face I would wake up with a glow the next morning. But beware the greasiness will get all over your pillow case and all over other things if you don't rub it in really, really well. There are also many other uses for it that I've heard some ladies talk about. Such as chaffing, or even as a hair mask. It smells absolutely HEAVENLY. Most cocoa butter smells I can't tolerate. I'd give it a 4/5, all things considered. For that price and a product that actually works, how could you not?